Pet owners should have access to a first-aid kit to take care of their dogs or cats. They should also take the kit with them when traveling with their pets. One way to begin a first-aid kit is to purchase a first-aid dispenser designed for humans and add pet care items. You can also buy a pet first-aid kit from a pet retailer.
What to Include in a First-Aid Kit
Some of the specific pet care supplies that you should add to a pet first aid kit include the following:
* A pet first aid book
* The contact information of your veterinarian or the nearest animal hospital
* The number or hotline for a poison control center
* Vaccination information for your pet, including rabies vaccination
* A nylon leash
* Self-cling bandages that stretch and stick to themselves but not to an animal’s fur
* Strips of cloth or a muzzle to prevent biting
You don’t want to use a muzzle, however, if your pet is vomiting, coughing, choking, or having trouble breathing.
Other Essential Supplies
Other basic pet care supplies that should be included in a first-aid kit include:
* Gauze pads, gauze rolls, and adhesive tape
* Antiseptic wipes
* A blanket
* Cotton swabs or balls
* Hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting (only use this product when directed by a vet)
* Ice pack
* Disposable non-latex gloves
* Petroleum jelly for lubricating a thermometer
* Rectal thermometer
* Blunt end scissors
* Sterile saline solution
* Pillow case for confining your pet for treatment
You should also have a pet carrier on hand to make it easier to transport some pets. A plastic eyedropper, towels, nail clippers, and ear-cleaning solution are also advantageous to include.
Who to Contact with Your Animal Care Questions
In order to keep the kit current, check the supplies regularly and replace any items that are expired. For you family’s safety, keep any medications or pet care supplies out of reach of your pet or children. You can find out more about animal care by contacting Quartz Mountain Animal Hospital in Scottsdale, Arizona. Call them at 480-860-1433 for a consultation or an appointment. You can follow them on Twitter for latest news and updates!