Using CD117 In Research And Testing Applications

by | Dec 4, 2017 | Science and Technology

The CD117 antibody recognizes proteins with a molecular weight of 145kDa. It is a rabbit polyclonal antibody that won’t interfere when binding SCF to the c-Kit. It can precipitate both occupied and unoccupied forms of the c-kit. When binding the SCF to the c-kit receptor tyrosine kinase, you can stimulate many biochemical responses that can culminate in cellular migration, survival, and proliferation. It also plays an essential part in melanogenesis, hematopoiesis, and gametogenesis.

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CD117 has no known clone, and the immunogen is the synthetic peptide coming from the cytoplasmic domain of the human c-kit protein. The isotype is the Rabbit IgG, and it has an undetermined epitope. The molecular weight is 145kDa.


This antibody can be used in Immunohistochemistry applications. To start, you will need to use Formalin-fixed or paraffin-embedded tissues, as well as deparaffinized slides. You can use xylene, its alternatives, or graded alcohols for deparaffinization.

You’ll find that you can purchase this antibody in a variety of sizes. When choosing a concentrated formula, you’ll need to dilute the antibody using a ratio of 1:100. This is an estimation, and your dilution needs may be different, depending on your methods and protocols. You’ll also find a pre-diluted formula that can save a step and make it easier during testing.

To retrieve the antigen, you should boil the tissue section for ten to 20 minutes in a 10mM citrate buffer. Let it cool for 20 minutes, reaching room temperature, and then incubate for 10 minutes while also at room temperature.

The positive control can occur in the skin, tonsil or gastrointestinal stromal tumor while cellular localization will happen in the cytoplasm.

CD117 can be used for a variety of testing and research needs. Visit Spring Bioscience today to learn more.

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