Whether you’ve just moved into your new home or are a long time homeowner who’s grown bored with your yard, there’s nothing wrong with switching up your landscape design into something new and refreshing. However, before you contact a professional to handle your landscape design in Monterey, you should first figure out exactly how you want your new yard to look! Here are a few suggestions for innovative and gorgeous landscape designs you can easily execute with your yard.
Flowers All Around
Flowers are an excellent way to add a splash of color and a bit of lovely fragrance to your yard. You can pick flowers of any species and/or color you like; however, to truly synthesize your yard as an extension of your home, you may want to consider colors that complement your home’s paint job, siding or trim. For example, you could pair deep purple and blue-violet flowers with a house sporting blue trim. Monochromatic homes pair well with flowers in shades of white or very bright colors. Be sure to implement as much coverage as possible by planting a lot of seeds. This will maximize the overall effect. You may also want to research which types of flowers thrive best in the Monterey area.
Vines Crawling Along
Vines and ivy can give off a charming effect, whether they’re draped along a fence or eking their way up the side of your home. This type of greenery is very easy to install as landscape design in Monterey, so long as you have something to support the vines as they grow, such as a trellis. This won’t be necessary if you decide to plant the vines along your fencing, as they will naturally use the vertical structure of your fence as it matures. Over time, you should find the ivy and vines developing a gorgeous draping effect, which can make entering your yard feel like stepping into a hidden getaway.