Newspapers, online and in print, often mention the lack of knowledge that people possess for arranging a vehicle loan or a mortgage, so it is not surprising that even fewer understand how to arrange a funeral. Funeral homes can help by educating families and specifically, to introduce them to insurance funding to ensure that families can grieve properly and not worry about how to pay for the funeral.
Individuals Rarely Plan the Details of a Funeral
Although some families do discuss what an individual requires for the funeral, it is usually only after someone has died that close family members are left wondering what the individual would have wanted.
Most families do not even know who they should call after someone has died. Should they call a funeral home and if so, which one?
When the funeral home can provide knowledge that is dispersed around their community, much of which an individual requires can be planned well ahead of the event.
The ability to pay for the funeral is a constant source of worry for families. By arranging insurance funding in advance, at least that part of the process is complete and already dealt with.
Insurance funding involves assigning an insurance policy directly to the funeral home. This means, that when a person dies, as soon as the death certificate can be provided, the insurance company can pay the funeral home direct so that no one needs worry about the payment for the funeral.
While most individuals do not know when they are likely to require the services of a local funeral home, where possible, they should discuss the potential arrangements with close family members.
They would need to talk through their wishes to be buried or cremated; for a religious or nonreligious funeral service; would they prefer flowers or the money donated to a specific charity?
In detail, they may wish to choose who will provide the readings, what the readings will be about and their favorite choices for music.
Where families can plan this information in advance and have dealt with the financial arrangements, families will find it easier to concentrate on the grief rather than the practicalities.