T Shirt Heat Transfers- A Complete Guide

by | Apr 1, 2015 | Business

T shirt printing has become hugely popular nowadays. There are hundreds of companies that provide customized printing services. Many people actively look for engaging and unique designs on their T shirts. Some people like to incorporate specific quotes on their T shirts, while others prefer specialized designs.

However, rather than being limited to the options available in the market, custom T shirt printing opens the doors for creativity for the average customer. You can select any design off the internet and have it printed on your T shirt. You can also print pictures, or virtually any other graphical image. The process of T shirt heat transfers is not as simple or straightforward as compared to conventional printing. Here’s how it works:

What Is Heat Pressing?

Heat pressing is a specialized technique that is used for printing images on T shirts and other fabrics. The heat press applies pressure on the substrate (the T shirt or fabric) for an extended period of time. A specialized ink is used for “printing” the image on the substrate while the pressure is applied.

T shirt heat transfers can be done using manual or automatic heat presses. Now, a new heat press, which is known as “semi- automatic,” has also been introduced. The semi-automatic heat press requires for a manual closing of the whole heat transfer, with an automatic opening. Digital heat transfer printers are commonly used throughout the industry.

These are popular because the operator can get an idea of the picture to be printed, as well as its dimensions. Digital printers allow the operators to make any changes they may want before the final printing process begins. It also allows them to adjust the size of the picture.

Can You Start a Business?

Opening your very own decorative garment business is easier than ever before. All you need is appropriate space for a printer and an ordering system. There are many kinds of heat transfer printers available. You can choose from industrial scale printers or opt for a much smaller one.

However, before buying a heat transfer printer, it is important that you talk to an expert. There are many kinds of heat transfer printers. For instance, you could opt for a plastisol heat transfer printer. Plastisol printing is more popular nowadays since it can be used for printing opaque graphics in vivid detail.

Standard heat printers often muddle the image on a darker fabric. Plastisol ink can produce top quality images even on darker fabrics. Once you have the equipment ready, you can simply take orders for T shirt heat transfers from budding customers in order to start generating profits!

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