Looking for a trustworthy auto shop in Plano TX doesn’t need to take too long. Here are easy ways to find one as soon as possible:
Ask around
Start with your family and friends. They very likely have mechanics they trust. With tips and referrals from people on your contact list, finding a car repair service you can trust will be a whole lot easier.
Read reviews
These days, reviews give you much needed insight into how a company works. Check the tone of the reviews. Is it generally positive? If something keeps popping up in the reviews, you’ll want to note it down. It could be a recurring issue.
Make a list
Don’t just pick a company at random. Make up a list of the service centers that fit the bill for you in terms of services, rates and customer service quality. You’ll want to know as much as you can about the company so building this list can help you decide which repair facilities absolutely hit the mark.
Check its credentials
Once you’ve narrowed down your options, time to get more serious. Check out the credentials of each of the facilities on your list. Are they licensed and certified? Can you count on the mechanics to have the necessary training, experience and skill to do the repairs?
Look for ratings
There are plenty of sites online that rank and rate businesses. Check these out. Find out what the shop’s rating is. This is also a good time to check if the company has a litigation history or not. And if yes, then it’s probably better to look for repair help elsewhere.
Watch out for scare tactics
Don’t fall for scare tactics, Lifehacker cautions. Trustworthy mechanics from a credible auto shop in Plano TX won’t employ such tactics. Be on the lookout for those.