5 Questions to Ask before Choosing an Insurance Provider

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Insurance

Insurance is a necessary part of life, whether it be on your car, your home, or even your life. Insurance helps to ensure that, if the unthinkable were to happen, whether it be accident, injury, theft, or another incident, that you and your family will be safe. You will have to purchase insurance at some point, but it’s important to pick the right provider. Ask these 5 questions before choosing to make sure you’re getting the best insurance provider for you.

1. What Kind of Insurance Do I Need?

The first step is to assess your situation and determine what kind of insurance you need. Some providers specialize in certain areas, so knowing what you need can help narrow down which insurance companies in Suffolk County, NY you’ll be needing. Did you just purchase a new car or move into a new home? Maybe you need auto or home insurance, or possibly both.

2. What is Covered in the Insurance Policy?

It’s always important to look at the fine print, and to talk to the insurance agent about exactly will be covered in your policy. If you own a business, you may find out you need to get separate insurance for personal and commercial. You may find that one insurance company provides more coverage on your older vehicle than another. Always ask the insurance providers about your specific situation.

3. What is Excluded?

Along the same lines, you should ask what is not covered by your insurance. If you’re looking to get home insurance, your policy may not cover floods or other natural disasters. Certain items within your home may also not be covered or have limitation on their coverage like computers or expensive jewelry. It’s important to know exactly what you’re getting with your coverage, so you can plan for the future.

4. What Effect Does my Credit History Have?

If you’re someone whose credit score isn’t as good you’d like it to be, it’s a good idea to ask how much of an effect your credit history will have on your policy. Especially for auto insurance, your credit history may lead to a higher premium. You’re not allowed to be denied coverage because of your score, however, so keep that in mind when selecting your insurance provider.

5. Are There Any Discounts Available?

Always, always, always ask the insurance providers what sort of discounts they offer. You could potentially be saving yourself hundreds of dollars. Some offer discounts for smoke detectors in your home, or for taking a specific safety course with your DMV. You never know where you could be saving money, and the discounts can differ between providers.

Insurance is an important part of any big purchase, whether it’s auto, home, or even renter’s insurance. You have to make sure you’re covered for the future. If you’re looking for insurance companies near Suffolk County, NY, be sure to check out Ginsberg Agency to find the right insurance for you.

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