As you go about the process of searching for the right funeral products and services you may be wondering what exactly a vault burial container is. Your funeral director may have mentioned it in your initial conversation with them and you may want to know more to decide whether or not you should purchase this. The decision is completely personal since many people are fine with just using a coffing as is. After understanding what it is, you can make the choice as to whether or not to purchase one for your loved one’s funeral.
The uses of a burial vault
A burial vault is a receptacle that is lined and sealed and used to house the actual coffin. It gives the coffin extra protection throughout the burial process and guards against decomposition of the coffin. It also guards against the weight of the earth crushing the coffin beneath it. You can choose to get a vault burial container to hold your departed loved ones coffin but it will come at an added cost.
What is it made of?
A vault burial container used to be made out of wood. However today, it is made out of concrete so that it can do its job of offering protection to the coffin that it is enclosing. Over time, the heavy weight of the earth can sink the coffin and degrade the appearance of the cemetery. This is also the case when heavy machinery passes over it. When this occurs, it affects the entire cemetery. To prevent this, the funeral home may recommend that you get a vault burial container.
Cascade Memorial is a leading provider of cremation and funeral services and products such as vault burial containers. Contact them to get started planning for an honorable funeral or cremation by calling (425) 641-6100.
Visit Cascade Memorial for all of your vault burial container needs at our site You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!