The Benefits of Hiring a Social Security Attorney in Oak Ridge

by | Jan 9, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms

If you are unable to work due to a disability, then you may be entitled to benefits. However, the Social Security Administration often does everything that they can in order to deny your claim. That is why it is a good idea to hire a Social Security attorney Oak Ridge.

Prepare the Initial Claim

Your attorney can help you file your claim. The attorney will make sure that your application is filled out correctly. This will increase your chances of getting approved. It will also minimize your wait time.

File an Appeal

It is estimated that 70 percent of people who apply for Social Security get denied the first time. This can be frustrating, but you can file an appeal. Your attorney can help you file an appeal. Your attorney will be able to tell you why you didn’t get approved the first time. They will also ensure that you have the information that you need to support your application.

No Money Upfront

You may be wondering why you should hire an attorney if your funds are low. However, you don’t have anything to lose by hiring a Social Security attorney Oak Ridge. They work on a contingency basis, which means that you do not have to pay anything upfront. They will take a portion of the claim that you get if you are approved.

If you are in need of a Social Security attorney Oak Ridge, then you will need to contact Kenneth Miller & Associates, P.C. for more information.

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