When you decide to buy a new home, you have a couple of choices. You can buy a residence that is already available in the marketplace or utilize Julie Laughton custom home design and build services in Newport Beach. There are advantages to building a custom home, which include having more choices, improved functionality and only paying for what is want.
Having More Choices
A huge advantage of utilizing Julie Laughton custom home design build services in Newport Beach is that you can make all the decisions that relate to the materials and features that will be used. By going this route, you’ll have a home that fits your exact tastes and specifications.
Improved Functionality
Functionality is an important aspect that people may forget when they are purchasing a home. An advantage of using Julie Laughton custom home design build services in Newport Beach is that you’ll have a house that is specifically designed to meet your functionality goals. If you want to make sure that a first-floor bathroom or living room with cathedral ceilings is incorporated into the designs, there’s no problem doing that. Julie Laughton works with her clients to create designs that will give them exactly what they’re looking for in terms of aesthetic and function.
Paying For What’s Wanted
One of the problems of purchasing an existing home is that an individual may end up paying for items that aren’t needed. This will never occur with a custom design. Individuals who choose this option will only pay for what they want. This ensures that all the money spent on a home is fulfilling all of the requirements of a buyer.
Helping With Financial Flexibility
When plans are being made to build a custom home, a buyer works closely with the builder. This helps individuals who are on a budget find ways to bring down costs and find materials that may not cost as much others. You’ll be able to afford certain luxury items without having to sacrifice everything you want.
To learn more about Julie Laughton, visit online at www.julielaughton.com.