Ideas To Personalize A Ceremony For Cremation In Renton WA

by | Sep 28, 2016 | Funeral Services

If a unique memorial service is desired, the following ideas can be used to personalize a ceremony in order to honor a family member or friend who recently passed away.

Personalized Pins

A company that designs pins can create some that have a person’s picture and name printed on them. Pins can be placed in a basket and handed out to family members and friends when they arrive at a ceremony. Each person can secure a pin to their clothing so that they are able to look at it throughout a service. Once the service has ended, guests can bring their pins home with them and keep them as mementos.

Tree Of Memories

A small tree that is planted in a pot can be used to display personal memories of the guest of honor. Index cards or ornaments can be used to write memories on. Afterwards, hooks that are placed through each item will secure them to branches on a tree. Once a tree is covered, one person may want to read what has been written on the cards or ornaments in order to share fond memories that each person has with the rest of the guests.

Slide Show

Pictures can be transferred to slides and shown to guests while music or commentary is being played in the background. A slide show will help each person understand more about the recently deceased and will allow everyone to take a walk back in time. If the person who is planning the ceremony does not own a lot of photographs of the individual who has died, they can collect photos from people who are invited to the ceremony prior to the event.

All of these ideas will help make a cremation service memorable for each person who attends. For more ideas that can be used at a service, an individual can consult with the director of a business that offers services related to cremation in Renton WA. Many businesses that help plan services for cremation in Renton WA offer packages that will allow a client to purchase an urn and receive assistance with setting up a memorial service.

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