Homeowners: Tips for Working With a Roofer in Des Moines

by | Feb 11, 2016 | Roofing

Now that the decision is made to install a new roof and the start date is set, the time has come for the client to make some preparations. Choosing to set a few things in motion will make it easier to work with the Roofer in Des Moines and keep everything on track. Here are some suggestions that will help.

Clear the Driveway

On or before the day that the roof replacement is due to begin, the Roofer in Des Moines will deliver supplies. This includes shingles, flashing, and anything else needed to do the job. By confirming when the supplies are to be delivered, the homeowner can make sure the driveway is clear. This will allow the truck delivering the materials to get closer to the home and make the unloading a lot quicker and easier.

Put Some Things in the Garage

The team assigned to install the new roof will need to move around the exterior of the house with ease. To help ensure that happens, it pays to temporarily store anything that is normally placed near the exterior walls. This includes lawns furniture, bicycles, and grills. Place all those items in the garage and provide a clear path all the way around the house. This courtesy ensures nothing is damaged and the roofers do not have to work around those belongings.

Rent a Dumpster

All the old roofing has to go somewhere, so why not rent a dumpster? There are units available in many different sizes and with various options. A rolling dumpster that can be moved across the concrete pavement of the patio or down the paved walkway that runs across the front of the house and to the driveway will provide plenty of support. Using this approach, the roofers can toss old materials directly into the open dumpster and eliminate the need to do a lot of cleaning at the end of the day.

For any homeowner who is thinking about investing in a new roof, look at more info here and arrange to have a contractor visit the property. It will not take long to settle the details, obtain pricing, and set a start date for the new roof installation.

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