If you love collecting cigars, you’ve likely considered purchasing King Edward Imperial cigars. These cigars are made in the Dominican Republic and made from quality ingredients that give the cigar a pleasant scent.
King Edward cigars have a mild flavor which is ideal if you don’t prefer a harsh flavor or don’t smoke cigars often. The natural flavor and appealing look of the cigars also make them great gifts for cigar enthusiasts, since the cigars come in decorative boxes.
In addition to King Edward Imperial cigars, Tobacco Online also offers Blue Label cigars. These are dark in color, made in Nicaragua and come in a box of 20. These are full-strength cigars with a more intense flavor. You can also try the La Bomba cigars, which have a Cuban corona shape and full strength flavor.
You can also purchase a number of pipe tobacco brands from Tobacco Online. Brands like Ashton, Carter Hall, Butera and Condor are available for purchase. These tobaccos provide a combination of sweet and slightly bitter flavors, and you can combine tobacco flavors and brands to meet your required order rate and create a customized product.
Tobacco Online also offers several Zippo lighters for your cigars. One Zippo lighter also comes with a beautiful watch, which makes a great gift. You can also choose from several leather lighter pouches in brown, black or blue.
When you want to get King Edward Imperial cigars to add to your collection or give as gifts, visit the Tobacco Online website.