Four Vital Reasons For Dog Daycare At Chicago Canine Academy

by | Sep 19, 2018 | Pets and Pet Care

It’s really difficult to leave man’s best friend behind when you head out to work. Those puppy eyes stare at you as you leave for the car in the morning. In fact, your dog has been trained to dread the sound of jingling keys after sunrise. But dog daycare in Chicago can give you peace of mind over leaving Fido behind.

Peace Of Mind

You know that your dog is safe at a dog daycare in Chicago. You also know that your best friend isn’t using up all of his energy to chew on your couch or shoes. And you can head to work without worrying about your dog getting enough food or water throughout the day. Everything is taken care of at a dog daycare in Chicago.

Important Playtime

Dogs need playtime. They need it with other dogs and they need it with human beings. They were born to run and keeping them in an apartment throughout the day is like sending them to jail. Let them roam free with their friends while learning to socialize with other dogs and people. They’ll be better behaved at home for it.


One of the added benefits of a dog daycare is increased exercise. This will keep your dog healthy which means a longer, happier life. And, with all that energy being spent at the dog daycare throughout the day, they’ll be worn out and fall right to sleep at home.

Human Interaction

It’s incredibly important for dogs to get used to other people. The human interaction that your dog will experience at a dog daycare will make them better behaved around your friends and family.

We understand the importance of peace of mind, playtime, exercise and human interaction at the Chicago Canine Academy. Head over to to learn more about our services.

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