Your email subscribers are likely the backbone of your customer base. Keeping in touch with these people can be one of your most successful sales tools. However, to keep in touch with your customers and potential customers, you need good email addresses. That’s where email hygiene services make such a difference.
Email hygiene is the act of scrubbing your email addresses for accuracy. This process may allow you to correct addresses with minor typographical errors to allow delivery of your emails to more of your intended recipients. It can also flag and remove those addresses that are no longer valid, reducing your bounce back numbers. Email hygiene services can even correct format errors that are causing email messages to bounce back from perfectly good email addresses. It may also help prevent your messages from getting flagged as junk mail by your recipients’ email servers/
Many small businesses lack the time or the expertise to perform their own email hygiene. For this reason, many companies continue to send out marketing and sales emails week after week, even though many of these emails never reach their intended recipients.
Partnering with a company that can perform email hygiene services for you is a great way to clean up those bad email addresses. Choose a company with expertise in managing email processes and performing email hygiene. For best results, have your email lists a couple of times each year, especially if you constantly add new addresses to your list.
Email hygiene may sound like a funny term, but it’s serious business if you want to be able to rely on your email lists as effective marketing tools. A simple consultation with a company that can scrub your lists for you is a great start toward ensuring that email list fuels sales the way your company desires.