Cosmetic Dentists, Masters At Smile Improvement

by | Apr 26, 2017 | Dental Care

In the past, cosmetic dentistry was limited in scope and quite expensive. Like all things, technology and demand have stepped up and as such cosmetic dentistry is becoming extremely popular. There are many procedures available, everything from whitening your teeth to replacing missing teeth.

Before you go ahead with any cosmetic procedures, take time to talk to cosmetic dentists in Gold Coast Chicago; work with them to design a program that will give you the teeth and smile that you have long dreamed of having.

Teeth whitening:

As a person ages, regardless of how well they look after their teeth, they can become stained or discolored. Smoking, drinking beverages such as tea, coffee and red wine can penetrate the porous enamel and stain the underlying tooth dentin. Using a special bleaching compound, cosmetic dentists in Gold Coast Chicago can bleach your teeth. There are two approaches; your dentist can do it in the office or provide you with a kit that will allow you to whiten your teeth at home.

There is no doubt that in-office whitening is far better; your teeth can become up to 8 shades whiter in one visit, if you were to try and accomplish this at home you might be looking at a month or more to get similar results.

Tooth veneers:

Tooth veneers are also very popular. A porcelain veneer is a thin slice of custom made porcelain that fits on the front of a tooth once it has been prepared by the dentist. Veneers are ideal for people that have chips on the edges of their teeth, surface cracks, gaps and of course, bad stains.
The dentist will remove a very thin layer of enamel and then make impressions. The impressions, once used to make a mold, are used to produce custom veneers, which are cemented to the front of teeth.

There are many other procedures, all of which are designed to enhance your smile. Your cosmetic dentist can suggest the best options for creating a beautiful smile.

Cosmetic dentists in Gold Coast Chicago have many different procedures available to them, all of which will improve your smile and self-confidence. You are invited to contact Chicago Smile Design.

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