A 2N2222 transistor is an electronic component, more specifically an NPN bipolar junction transistor, or BJT, with a wide range of applications. It is capable of moderately high-speed operations with a design intended for low power and medium voltage use.
The Basics
The term NPN refers to a P-doped layer between a pair of N-doped layers. The 2N2222 has an emitter terminal, a collector terminal, and a base terminal. It’s current-controlled with a collector current of 800 mA and a500mW power dissipation.
As a current-controlled transistor, the 2N2222 uses a small current in the base terminal to push high current between the collector and emitter terminals. Due to its quick response time, it’s utilized for switching purposes.
Other applications are:
- Switch appliances on or off automatically
- Current amplification
- Automation and embedded designs
- Pulse width modulation
2N2222 transistors in Massachusetts are a commonly-used transistor and a typical example of NPN transistors. They appear frequently in small-signal applications and continue as an enduring general-purposed transistor.
Call a Trusted Components Supplier
For 2N2222 transistors in Massachusetts, a fully AS9120 certified electronics supplier with an extensive database of electrical components will be able to provide exceptionally high-quality and competitively priced transistors as well as semiconductors, diodes, integrated circuits, interconnect, passives electronic hardware, and more. Call Business Name at Phone No or visit us online to find your electronic component today.