Tips For PPC Management In Atlanta

by | Apr 25, 2018 | Web Listingz

Pay Per Click or PPC advertising can be a very effective, targeted and manageable option for a business of any size in the Atlanta area. Unfortunately, many companies disregard this valuable advertising option due to misinformation or poor management of past PPC marketing attempts.
Effective PPC management is the key to getting the most from this targeted marketing option. It is estimated that over 64% of people click on Google Ads, the paid PPC ads at the top of the search engine result page, while less than 5% will click on any website on the organic SERP (search engine results page) below the sixth entry.

This is why a PPC program is so critical for a business. It allows you to attract customers through paid ads while you work on SEO to continue to boost the organic results. Keep in mind, with PPC; you only pay if the customer clicks on the ad, so carefully planning the campaign will be essential.

Know Your Keywords

A key part of effective PPC management is to choose the right keywords. This means a targeted, narrow keyword used by searchers looking for your product or service. By avoiding broad, general terms, it is possible to refine the target audience seeing the ad, limiting people clicking on the ad only to find it is not the product or service they wanted.

Additionally, and this is critical, the landing page has to immediately show relevance to the user. Vague, or general landing pages can create as much of a problem in low conversion rates as poor keyword selection.

Bid Across Devices

Depending on what the company provides in products or services, it may be important to look at which type of devices to bid on for ad space. One aspect of PPC management is to understand what people are searching for and where they are located when searching.

A company in Atlanta designed to help manage PPC services for a company will be instrumental in all aspects of managing the campaign.

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