If you are suffering from a physical or mental disability you may be considering hiring a disability lawyer to help with your case. If this is the case you should understand what the benefits are and what the lawyer will cost. The cost of a disability lawyer in Camden is straight forward as the fees are set by federal law. In the event of success, the lawyer will get the lesser of 25 percent of the back pay that you are awarded or $6,000. As the case is litigated on contingency, you will not be expected to pay any legal fees up-front. The lawyer is paid directly by Social Security from your initial award.
There are many benefits to hiring a seasoned disability lawyer.
Why would you hire a lawyer in the first place?
Like everything legal, the laws that apply to Social Security disability are complex, when you are represented by a disability lawyer your chances of being approved for benefits is far better. There is no disputing that some people that go it alone are successful, but they are very much in the minority.
Right from the outset of the application through the various stages of appeal, a disability lawyer in Camden knows how to prepare and present their clients case in the most favorable light. Your lawyer can give you considerable insight at the initial application stage on the onset date of your disability as well as information on what conditions meet the Administrations list of impairments that are recognized.
In the event the application is denied and it moves to the appeal level, the lawyer will provide effective representation at the reconsideration and hearing levels. Your lawyer will gather supporting evidence from your doctor, obtain a medical prognosis and prepare a detailed brief for the Administrative Law Judge as well as prep you on what to expect during the hearing.
A disability lawyer in Camden can help you get the disability benefits you deserve. If you are disabled and getting ready to apply to Social Security in New Jersey you should first contact the Law Office of Elizabeth A Patterson. Like us on facebook.