What to do after a DUI Charge in Sacramento

by | Sep 20, 2016 | Law Services

If you have been charged with a DUI in Sacramento, you may be facing jail time. In the event that there were minors in the car at the time, this jail time could increase exponentially. You may even jeopardize your custody of your children if you were found endangering their welfare. All of this when taken into consideration requires that you consult with an attorney at the earliest possible time. Your attorney will guide you as to the next steps to take.

Waive the sobriety test

After being pulled over, it is important to realize that the sobriety test is not a mandatory test. Ultimately it can even do more harm to you since you will be implicating yourself even further. Instead contact your DUI attorney Sacramento professional who can provide you with the fast and efficient services you need to get out of trouble. Although your lawyer can’t make any promises to you, they can still provide the comprehensive services you need to get your case resolved quickly.

Refuse a Blood and Urine Test

Without getting legal counsel, you may be unaware of your right to refuse a blood and urine test. However you can feel confident knowing that even if you did take one, your DUI attorney Sacramento professional may be able to find a way to make the results inadmissible.

Meet with your DUI Sacramento Attorney

Scheduling a meeting with your DUI Sacramento attorney is the next step to take. Your attorney will provide you with the legal advice and guidance that your case can benefit from at this time. Your attorney has been through countless DUI cases and understands exactly what to do to help you through this difficult and challenging time. It is important not to speak to too many people about the circumstances and details as you don’t want to have anything used against you.

Contact Amaya & Associates to receive the best legal help after a DUI. Visit them online to schedule a consultation.

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