What Issues Come Up During Pre-Marriage Counseling?

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Health

Months or weeks leading up to the wedding are exciting as well as nerve-wracking for both the groom and the bride. Together, they will transition into a new life of becoming partners. Their vows will bind them to each other, and each partner will have to try their best to make things last.

For them to live harmoniously in each other’s company, they will have to gain a deeper understanding of where each other will stand in the marriage. Therefore, you should start working on your marriage before it even begins by seeking pre-marriage counseling in Newport Beach CA. It will give both of you the opportunity to address and come to terms with the following issues:

  • Celebrate Each Other’s Differences

At a pre-marriage counseling session in Newport Beach CA, the couple will learn each other’s point of view on different situations. During the sessions, the therapist may ask you to share your views on how each of you expects to raise your children, what your dreams for the future are, and what type of house you prefer to live in, small or big. Your answers might conflict with your partner’s, but you will learn to celebrate each other’s differences and reach a compromise.

  • Learn to Live Your Life Your Way

You should live your life according to what you think is right. If your in-laws or friends tell you to live your life a certain way, and you listen, your marriage will not last. At the pre-marriage counseling session, you can decide that when you two get married, only both of you will dictate how you should live your life.

  • Challenges Will Arise

Life cannot always be a bed of roses. There will be unexpected twists and turns in your life, but you have to decide if you will fight them or surrender to them. For instance, one partner can lose a job, cheat, or lie. Through your session, you will see the ugly side of marriage but will also learn how not to let it get the best of you.

  • Evaluate Your Relationship

From time to time, both of you have to make the promise to each other to sit down and evaluate your relationship after marriage. Are things going smoothly? Are you spending more time apart? If you think you have hit a few bumps in the road, you should make the pact to work on your marriage or never let distance grow in the first place.

When you seek pre-marriage counseling, both of you will learn a lot about yourself and each other. It will make taking the big leap into marriage a little easier. For additional information, contact Dr. Jeanne Michele.

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