What is an MRI?

by | May 7, 2018 | Health

MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a type of test used by Orlando radiologists to create detailed images of your body. The scans they produce are similar to what x-rays create; however, unlike x-rays, MRI doesn’t use radiation, thus reducing the potential for harm, as Medical News Today states. MRI is used to assess various health issues and uncover their causes. These issues can range from deciphering the cause of joint pain to detecting infections or tumors. MRI can also pick up details too small for x-rays to uncover.

The Power of Magnets

So how does MRI work, if not through radiation? MRI uses magnets and radio waves to create a 360-degree scan of the parts of your body to be examined. The reason why metal objects, body piercings, or jewelry are not allowed in the MRI room is due to the power of these magnets. This is also why you should not have an MRI if you are using a pacemaker or other internal implant. When you are positioned in an MRI machine, the imaging power is enough that you won’t have to move again throughout the procedure. While x-rays require multiple changes in your body’s position, an MRI only requires you to stay still. But like x-rays, it is a completely painless procedure.

Dealing with Claustrophobia

Many patients find themselves anxious about having an MRI done. Since you will be partially enclosed in the tube-like machine, you might find yourself dealing with potential feelings of claustrophobia. It helps to talk to your technician beforehand and let them know about your fears. Many MRI providers can offer sedation, but chances are you won’t have to worry at all– there are radiologists in Orlando who use open MRI equipment, which will reduce or eliminate feelings of claustrophobia.

An MRI can give you the most comprehensive results, even if other types of tests have been inconclusive. If your doctor recommends this test, don’t be afraid to ask questions and speak to your radiologist about any concerns you may have.

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