While the phrase “April Showers Brings May Flowers” is very well-known, it should also be said that those same April showers also bring more car accidents. To prevent you from becoming another accident statistic, it makes more sense to follow these expert tips on how to drive safely in the Spring.
Watch Out for Gusts
High winds seemingly coming from nowhere are a staple of springtime. With this in mind, it definitely helps to make sure that both hands are on the steering wheel. If you do find yourself in the unfortunate predicament of getting in an accident, make sure that you contact a New Milford auto accident attorney as soon as possible after the accident.
Leave Early
By leaving earlier, you won’t feel the need to rush to get to where you are going. Unnecessary speeding is one of the leading causes of car crashes and they are doubly dangerous when you factor in the wet and windy weather that makes up April. This is yet another reason why April showers also bring more car accidents.
Make Sure Your Headlights Are On
When driving during the duck or twilight hours, or when it is raining out, it is highly suggested that you leave your headlights on. While most vehicles turn them on automatically, owners of older cars should make sure that they manually turn them on during these driving conditions. If you do find yourself involved in an accident, make sure that a New Milford auto accident attorney is contacted right away.
At the Fisk & Monteleone Law Firm, they know that too many times, victims of serious auto accidents do not understand their rights. Instead of getting the legal help they need, many simply accept what the insurance companies tell them and end up with much less than they deserve.