Three Compelling Advantages That Restorative Implants Offers Over Other Available Tooth Replacement Options

by | Nov 3, 2015 | Dental Health

Tooth loss is one of the most harrowing things that a patient may ever face. First, losing a tooth often happens because of poor oral health, but it can lead to even more dental problems for the patient. In addition, tooth loss can cause a decline in self-esteem for those who find themselves dealing with this issue. Fortunately, losing one or more teeth doesn’t have to put a damper on any patient’s dream of having a great smile, especially when there are tooth replacement solutions available. For those who are in the midst of weighing their tooth replacement options, read on to discover just a few reasons why patients may want to consider dental implants over other methods:

* Many patients don’t realize how badly tooth loss can affect their oral health. When a tooth falls out or is removed, the portion of the jawbone that was attached to that tooth begins to deteriorate due to a lack of daily stimulation.

* Restorative Implants

* are the only tooth replacement solution that can help prevent this from happening. Unlike bridges and dentures, implants are fused to the jawbone, allowing them to provide much-needed stimulation when the patients chew food each day.

* Dental implants are designed to have natural a look and feel for the patient. Dental bridges often have visible hardware that can be seen when a patient opens their mouth. Dentures can sometimes move around in the patient’s mouth and make them uncomfortable. The best thing about dental implants is that they appear and function just like the patient’s other teeth.

* Patients who want to get dental implants may worry about the price tag they carry. The good news is that these patients can rest assured that they are making a cost-effective investment in their oral health. When Restorative Implants are properly cared for, they can last patients a lifetime. Once the monetary investment is made, there will be no concerns about having to replace the implants every decade in the same way that bridges will need replacement.

Tooth loss can be hard for patients to cope with both physically and psychologically. Fortunately, a smile that has been damaged by tooth loss doesn’t have to stay that way. Get in touch with the team at Business Name to learn more about what to expect with implants and how a dentist can use them to restore both function and beauty to a patient’s smile

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