The Timeless Beauty of a French Pattern Paver

by | May 18, 2015 | Business

Every proud homeowner treats their house as if it’s a palace. You love to show your palace off, and when you bring friends over, you want to make a serious impression. Anyone can buy a fancy television or gaudy Jacuzzi, but it’s the little things that really reflect your class and elegance.

Whether it’s Victorian-style drapes or Persian carpets, these small touches instantaneously add a touch of class to any interior. Sure, drapes and carpets are lovely, but nothing beats an extravagant poolside tile display. Among the classiest of tile displays, the French pattern paver is the most pristine of them all.

Timeless Appeal

The French pattern paver holds the distinction of being one of the oldest tile displays on the market. It is a classic pattern that traces its roots back more than a millennium. The gorgeous pattern was once called the Roman Pattern, but it is commonly known as Versailles Pattern as well.

It has been in use across the world for its luxurious charm and smooth exterior. The best part of this pattern is its timelessness. Regardless of your home’s particular style, you can get away with adding this to your outside exterior. You could be looking for a modern look or a throwback to a time long gone, but either way, you can fit the French pattern paver into your home’s aesthetic.

Tremendous Versatility

This pattern paver is also championed for its tremendous versatility. The texture of the pattern is smooth, contoured and soft to the touch. No matter what specific color you choose, any color or texture will feel the same with every touch. So whether you opt for a woody look for one side of the deck or a metallic look for the other, this pattern will preserve the same aesthetics.

Versatility gives a homeowner tremendous options for the paver as well as their choice of overall aesthetic. The durability of the Roman pattern is also a tremendous advantage for a homeowner living in rough weather conditions.

Someone living in Florida won’t have to worry about heavy rains and winds chipping away at the surface of the tile. Considering the classic look, versatility, and iron-like resilience of the Roman pattern, it’s no surprise that it’s been an architectural staple for 1000-plus years.

Making the Switch

Whether you’re swapping out old pavers for new ones or adding new Roman pattern pavers to your home, there’s no risk. Any reputable title company will allow you to view a small sample before committing to a larger investment.

This guarantees you can find the exact paver you want, and if need be, you can regulate how much of it is built into your home.

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