Talk to a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Fall River, MA About Reorganization

by | Feb 27, 2019 | Bankruptcy

If you currently make an income but you are finding it hard to pay your debts, you need to speak to a bankruptcy lawyer in Fall River, MA close to where you live. Doing so will give you the confidence that you need to stay on top of future finances with more ease.

Who to Contact in Fall River

You must not wait until the situation worsens. You need to contact a nearby attorney about your financial situation now. By taking this step, you will find that filing bankruptcy is not all that scary. One of the law offices that can help you in this respect is the Law Offices of Tara M. George, PC. Doing so will stop creditor harassment and help you learn more about the proper way to budget.

Filing Chapter 13

If you make a decent income and you want to keep your home and car, you need to consider filing chapter 13 bankruptcy with the help of a bankruptcy lawyer. In order to do so, you normally have to take a means test if you are experiencing financial hardship. If you already have a job and feel you’re over your head in debt, the means test is not necessary in the case of chapter 13.

Different Filings – Different Rules

While chapter 13 covers reorganization of debts, chapter 7 bankruptcy covers liquidation. Therefore, the rules are different, which is why you need to work with a bankruptcy lawyer. They can be your legal advocate; that way, you will feel less stress and can get a better grip on your budget.

Eliminate Creditor Harassment

While a bankruptcy lawyer will not entirely erase your financial slate, they will help you get a fresh start financially. This is an important consideration, especially if you are constantly harassed by creditors or you feel out of control with respect to your budget. Again, you can find a solution to your dilemma when you contact an experienced professional at a legal firm, such as the Business Name. Take a proactive stance, and take care of your credit and money problems today.

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