When someone is facing the possibility of eviction, turning to help from short term installment loan lenders can actually be a reasonable decision. If the person has nobody to move in with, finding a new home could be very difficult. Many landlords will not rent to anyone with this kind of credit issue on the record.
When someone is late enough on rent to have received a warning about eviction, that means the next monthly payment is coming due soon too. Some tenants turn this into an ongoing stressful cycle in which they repeatedly struggle to pay rent and make the payment at the last minute to prevent legal action.
Coming close to eviction is a strong indication that the person’s finances are in serious trouble. Unless this was a temporary situation that can be resolved now, the individual must figure out ways to stop it from occurring again. Repeatedly relying on short term installment loan lenders to get out of a financial jam is not the answer. Reducing expenses or increasing income, or doing both, are the effective solutions.
This may seem impossible when someone has already cut expenses to an absolute minimum and is working more than 40 hours per week. It may be time to think about negotiating settlements with creditors if the debt amount is too high to manage. It also could be time to consider moving to a more affordable home.