Proper Use Of Ceiling Fans And A New Furnace Installation In Thousand Oaks Help Reduce Heating Bills

by | Jul 2, 2021 | Heating and Air Conditioning

After a Furnace Installation in Thousand Oaks, the new appliance should automatically provide energy savings compared with the older model that was replaced with all other factors being equal. The home’s residents can also use several strategies to keep their heat bills as low as possible while still feeling warm and cozy. One method many people are unaware of is to use ceiling fans.

Fan Blade Direction

A new Furnace Installation in Thousand Oaks can work in conjunction with these fans to allow the use of less oil, natural gas, or propane heating fuel. In summer, the fan blades turn counter-clockwise, sending a cooling breeze downward and helping people feel more comfortable. Most ceiling fans include a switch that allows the user to reverse the direction of the blades.

When the fan turns clockwise, the air in the lower part of the room is actually brought up toward the ceiling. Warm air from the furnace, as installed by a company such as Aladdin Air Conditioning & Heating, is forced back down into the room. The fan speed should be set to low. Check out our website today for details on this particular organization.

Heat Near the Ceiling

This strategy works best in a home with high ceilings, such as cathedral ceilings or those in older houses that were constructed when this feature was more typical. Since heat rises, the top of the room tends to always be warmer than the rest of the area unless a fan sends that warm air back down. People may turn the furnace thermostat up because they feel chilly. The air near the ceiling may actually be a couple of degrees warmer.

Heated Fans

Some homeowners like to have heated ceiling fans installed. Using these devices allows the home’s residents to keep the thermostat set low when they are spending several hours in one room. They may want to compare reviews of these fans as compared with electric floor space heaters to see whether the fans are more energy efficient. One main advantage of choosing the fan is that it can be used during warm weather simply by shutting off the heating element and reversing the blade direction. For more information visit Aladdin Air Conditioning & Heating or call on (805) 480-0327.

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