Periodontal disease, also known as gingivitis or gum disease affects a lot of people. It can be very serious as it is a leading cause of tooth loss. But, what exactly is periodontal disease? It basically starts with a plaque. When plaque continually forms on your gums and teeth and does not get cleaned off, it can harden and turn into tartar or calculus. The only way to remove calculus is by having your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist. If the calculus is not removed, it can cause pockets to form in the gums. When this happens it will make the gums detach from the tooth’s surface, which will allow bacteria to enter the gums and cause inflammation and infection. Periodontal disease does not always show symptoms right away; however if you have experienced any of the common symptoms that are listed below, you need to see a professional dentist that provides a dental treatment for Periodontal disease in Cary IL.
Common Symptoms of Periodontal Disease Include:
* Receding Gum Line or Teeth that Appear to Look Long
* Loose Teeth
* Bad Breathe that Is Difficult to Cure
* Tooth Sensitivity or Pain When Chewing
* Redness and Swelling in Gums-They may bleed easily and Feel Tender
Treatments for Periodontal Disease
A dentist will check for periodontal disease. They will take an X-ray and check for bone loss, examine your gums for any signs of infections, and probe your gums to measure the depth of the pockets. If the dentist detects you have the disease, they will inform you that you will need to have a deep cleaning. Root planing and scaling are the best treatment to ensure all the tartar is removed from around your teeth and gums. A dental hygienist or a dentist will use the proper equipment to remove calculus from the gum line. This type of treatment is normally not painful, but a dentist will numb the area before beginning the treatment. You may need antibiotics for the gum pockets after the procedure is done. Then visit a dentist again as a follow-up to make sure the pockets are properly healing.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene at Home
After your gums have been treated by a dentist, it is important to practice good oral hygiene at home. By doing this you are taking the correct precautions to keep any infections returning. Brushing, flossing, quit smoking, and make a change in your diet can help your teeth. Proper dental care is important to combating and preventing periodontal disease.