Important Questions to Ask Potential Office Cleaners

by | Sep 19, 2018 | Cleaning Service

If you are looking for a company offering office cleaning in Minneapolis, it’s important to ask the right questions first. You want to be sure that you and your hired company can enjoy a partnership for years to come. If you aren’t sure what you should be looking for in an office cleaning company, we have compiled a list of questions to ask before signing any contracts.

How Long Have You Been in Business?

It’s an excellent idea to ask how long the company has been around, since that will give you an idea of the experience level. However, it’s equally important to consider how long the current employees have been working at the company. When you choose a company with experienced employees, you get the perk of having people around who know the most efficient ways to keep your office spotless.

What Services Do You Provide?

Find out what services are included in the typical visit. There may be certain tasks you need taken care of that aren’t provided, and you want to know that ahead of time. In many cases, even specialty tasks are available, but may require an additional fee. The more tasks covered under the basic service plan, the better the deal is that you are getting.

Do You Provide Supplies and Equipment?

Most of the best companies in office cleaning in Minneapolis will handle brining the supplies and equipment needed to clean your business. However, that is not a given. Some companies provide only the equipment, the cleaning supplies, or may require you to provide all of these things. You may also want to ask what options are available if you prefer other supplies are used.

Are You Insured and Bonded?

Any professional cleaning company should have liability insurance, workers compensation, and bond in case something is lost from your office, damaged, or broken. This is important with so many crucial pieces of equipment in your facility. You will have peace of mind and security that if anything goes wrong, it can be easily rectified.

Do You Require Background Checks?

Many companies require a background check for their employees, others provide drug testing, and some do both. This helps ensure that those who are entering your building are not going to cause problems.

When you need office cleaning in Minneapolis, EMD Cleaning Services is here to help. You can learn more or contact us at You can also follow us on Twitter for more updates.

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