Concerned about the cost or speed of auto body repair, or what your insurance will cover? You should be. No matter how small or serious the problem, auto body repair can be daunting. But it can be more cost-effective than you think when you use a reliable auto body repair shop in New Jersey. Here are some guidelines for picking the best auto body repair shop.
First, find out whether the body shop stands by their work. Do they have a guarantee like Frank’s does? A guarantee lets you know that you can bring back your vehicle if you are not satisfied with anything.
Second, make sure their staff is ASE certified and that the shop has AAA approval. You will save yourself a lot of time and money choosing the best possible body shop.
Third, you should be getting a free estimate. Allowing you to shop around for your best options in New Jersey.
Fourth, what kinds of services do you need? The estimate will in large part be a reflection of what the auto body shop is capable of doing, how familiar they are with those services, and the access they have to specialized materials or parts. Bumpers, windshield glass, frames, grills, and trims are often OEM parts that not all body shops have or can order.
Fifth, get a straight idea about the specific needs you have, such as frame straightening or dent removal. If you need to repair structural damage, you also want to be sure that paints match, and are of the highest quality.
Finally, one of your biggest concerns is what insurance will or will not cover. A good auto body shop in New Jersey can help you understand the fine print of your insurance contract so you know what is covered and what you might need to pay out of pocket. Call Frank’s Auto Repair & Auto Body, Inc. now for your free estimate.