Even though the housing crisis has settled down a bit, and the worst is in the rearview mirror, there are still plenty of homes that banks have backlogged and still need to be foreclosed on. Also, because foreclosures have become commonplace, and banks were often taking advantage of unsuspecting homeowners, new regulations have been put in place that banks and other lenders have to follow when foreclosing on a home. Unfortunately, these regulations and rules aren’t always followed, but homeowners, with the help of an attorney, can stop foreclosures in Gainesville, GA.
There are many situations where people have had their homes foreclosed on for no good reason. Sometimes it’s a simple clerical mistake but the banks may continue through the foreclosure process. These are situations which require the help of an attorney. Often, the attorney can point out the clerical mistake that triggered a foreclosure and in some cases, the attorney can get punitive damages for their clients because they went through the stress and anxiety of dealing with a foreclosure that never should’ve transpired.
There are instances where people have been unable to afford to pay their mortgage, and their home is slated for foreclosure. In these situations, one recourse is determining whether the lender followed the existing rules and regulations in place for properly foreclosing on a home. If the bank failed to follow those rules, the foreclosure could be stopped immediately. In some cases, the courts can determine that a bank is not permitted to foreclose on the home. They may require the bank to work with the homeowners to restructure mortgage payments, or give them more time to pay the late payments.
The fact is that there are many other avenues that can be used to help stop foreclosures in Gainesville, GA. If you’re facing foreclosure, it’s important that you speak with an attorney. Whether you’re current on your mortgage, and you’re still facing foreclosure proceedings, or whether you’ve been unable to pay your mortgage for some time and you fear the bank is not following the regulations in place, an attorney can get to the bottom of it. By speaking with an attorney that you’ll find at website, you may find some relief from an impending foreclosure.