Identifying Rare Complications of Blepharoplasty

by | Jul 11, 2017 | Health

Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a procedure used to modify the shape of one’s eyelids – whether to remove redundant skin fat and muscle or to restore or alter the appearance of a patient to produce a more youthful result.

This particular procedure, which is growing in popularity, can come with several complications. Here are a few of them along with tips on how you could avoid those complications and have a successful operation.

Puffiness and bruising

This is a common experience after the surgery. Some people bruise much more easily than others so you might end up dealing with the bruises and puffiness much longer than you might expect. Finding a doctor who’s skilled at performing the procedure can help reduce the bruising and puffiness.


This can happen if you used prophylactic antibiotics. However, that’s not the case for everyone. If you do happen to end up with an infection—characterized by eye swelling, pain and redness —talk to your doctor right away. Your doctor can easily treat the infection to keep it from worsening.

Too much fat removed

The point of the procedure, for many, is to restore youthful appearance with the careful removal of fat and muscle. However, an inexperienced surgeon may not have the skills, precision and control to pull that off. eMedicine says you can count on better results when you look for surgeons who have the proper experience to perform the surgery.

Hematoma and double vision

This can develop as a result of poor surgical skills. It’s entirely preventable, though. Proper preoperative care is going to matter along with the skills of the doctor you choose to perform the blepharoplasty. This can happen if the surgery affected muscles responsible for eye movement. That’s why hiring a highly-skilled surgeon with sufficient experience counts.

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