Helpful Information About Product Liability Law

by | Oct 6, 2015 | Law Services

The relationship between consumers and manufacturers is one based largely on trust. For the most part, consumers trust that producers of goods will use positive ethical standards to make items. While the vast majority of these manufacturers do this, a few may not. This can lead to a person being harmed by a product. Learning about product liability law can give a person the necessary information to seek recourse through a product liability attorney.

Defective or dangerous products account for more than five thousand injuries a year in the United States. When an injury does occur in the course of using a product the way it’s meant to be used, an injured person can file a claim against the distributor, producer, retailer, or other associated party. Using the services of a competent product liability attorney, a person can win compensation for injuries, pain, and suffering.

An injured person can file a claim under strict product liability, negligence, or breach of warranty. A consumer protection complaint claim can also be filed to help a person get compensation. The defendant can be any party in the product’s chain of production. This includes the product manufacturer, retailer that sold the product, installer of the product, producer of the product’s parts, and wholesaler.

There are three types of product defects that can be used in a product liability case. Design defects occur when the plan for the product is unsafe. Manufacturing defects occur in the making of the product. This can be on an assembly line or other method used in the production process. Marketing defects are concerned with the way a product is presented to the public. For example, a product may be improperly labeled or not have the right safety labels attached to it. A plaintiff must prove that injuries were caused by one or more of these types of defects.

Although state and federal laws regulate product manufacturing, unsafe conditions can still result in minor to serious injuries and even death. This practice handles product liability law services to help clients get the compensation they deserve for injuries, pain, and suffering.

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