Fire Block Foam is a ready-to-use type of foam fire block that is specifically designed to help prevent the spread of flames and smoke in residential and commercial construction. This innovative product is intended to resist the free passage of flame and the by-products of combustion within the concealed space of a floor, ceiling or wall cavity by restricting the movement of air, fire and smoke. It also acts as a draft stop to restrict air infiltration and movement. Fire block foam meets most current fire blocking sealant requirements of the International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC), and state and local codes
Protect Those You Care About
Fire block foam can save you much more than just energy costs in your residential or commercial building. When you seal the pipes, cable and duct work, you are minimizing the airflow. During a fire, that means destructive flames, harmful gasses, and toxic smoke will not spread as quickly throughout your building or home. When you are in an emergency situation, prolonging the spread of harmful gasses and flames could make all the difference in the world. The fact that it helps you conserve energy reduce drafts and save on heating and cooling costs is a great benefit to you as well.
Behind the Walls
Preventing the spread of fumes and flame is a very important and enormous safety precaution. After all, you cannot see what is going on behind the walls. You must make sure you have proper fire blocking in place that will prevent the movement of flames, smoke or gasses through the concealed spaces. When you remodel, you should always check with your contractor to make sure they are taking the very same precaution with your belongings and with the people you care about.
All of the openings through the floor around the wiring, pipes and ducts should be sealed with an approved fire block material like a fire rated caulk or foam. Yourself or your contractors can do this all as part of getting their rough approval, but always check things over yourself as well.