Spousal support is a touchy issue that affects many couples as they plan to start their lives over after their divorce. Non-working spouses are often anxious, and wonder how they’ll be able to support themselves without their spouse’s income. The spouse who provided for the family may also be anxious, not knowing whether they’ll have to support their ex indefinitely and how they’ll be able to succeed with a portion of their income going into their ex-spouse’s bank account instead of their own.
Spouses who need alimony to meet their basic needs shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask for it, or like they are hurting their former husband or wife by taking it. These funds can make the transition from a stay-at-home spouse to a self-sufficient person a lot easier. Divorced people who receive alimony have to learn how to maintain a budget with less money until they are able to establish their own steady income source. A financial planner and a divorce lawyer in Rockville Centre, NY might be useful allies.
Many couples are able to negotiate spousal support prior to the divorce. This is the best way to ensure the amount and the length of time for the support is fair to both parties. Divorcing couples should make every effort to negotiate the terms of their divorce, both to save money and to give themselves a better chance of being happy with the settlement. A skilled divorce lawyer in Rockville Centre, NY can provide advice to a client to help them decide whether or not to accept a settlement in lieu of a trial.
With an experienced divorce lawyer from Simon & Milner by their side, a divorcing spouse could learn their rights related to the division of property and spousal support. Knowing what they are entitled to enables clients to negotiate effectively and avoid wasting money on litigation. There are guidelines related to which spouses are eligible to receive alimony. The amount someone receives will depend on whether or not there is a prenuptial agreement, the length of the marriage, and the ability of each spouse to earn their own income.