In most car/bicycle accidents, the motorist is responsible for not following the rules of the road. However, a bicyclist can also be held liable if they fail to obey the rules or they engage in dangerous conduct. Read on to find out how a bicycle accident lawyer in Kenosha can help a motorist who has been assigned an unfair share of liability.
Determining Liability in a Bike Accident
As said previously, a bicyclist can be held liable for their failure to obey road rules. Failing to use night lighting and signals and riding the wrong way down one-way streets can leave a bicyclist liable for their own injuries, as well as others’ damages. An attorney can help a client determine who’s at fault, whether they’re the driver or the bicyclist.
Bicyclists and Distracted Drivers
In many areas, a bicyclist must have at least one hand on the bars at any time. While bicyclists can technically use the phone while riding, it’s not recommended to do so. Drivers and riders alike can benefit from hands-free technology when using the phone and other handheld devices.
What to Do Following an Accident
Bicycle accidents should be treated the same way as any other auto accident. If damages exceed $1000, it’s mandatory to file a police report. It can be hard to determine fault, which is normal. Drivers and cyclists should avoid apologizing or admitting responsibility before a bicycle accident lawyer in Kenosha has had a chance to evaluate the incident’s details.
Getting Ready for Liability
An at-fault bicyclist may find it hard to pay a driver’s damages. Although a bicycle rarely causes serious damage to a vehicle, riders should know their insurance coverage, so they’re ready for a driver’s lawsuit. In most cases, auto insurance doesn’t cover injuries caused by bicyclists, but a homeowner’s policy may. Bicycle insurance is another option that protects riders from out-of-pocket costs after pedestrian, auto, and bicycle accidents.
Although bicyclists are rarely held liable for an accident, preparing for it can help riders travel more confidently. Safety is important, but it’s impossible to control others’ behavior. Riders can protect themselves with proper insurance and legal representation. Schedule an appointment with a bicycle accident lawyer over the phone or online. Visit The Law Office Of John V. O’Connor.