How to Decorate Your Apartment for the Holiday Season to Come

by | Nov 1, 2017 | Real Estate

Living in the apartments in Santa Barbara, California, you aren’t going to see much of a cold holiday season, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t bring the Christmas cheer into your apartment instead. One of the main tips out there is to decorate early in the season, so you will have a Christmas retreat when you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping.

Put Away the Leftovers of Other Seasons

There are many seasons that you decorate your apartment for, from Halloween to Thanksgiving and beyond. Instead of just pushing those seasons to the side in your apartments in Santa Barbara, California, put away those other seasonal decorations. After all, you don’t want a pink vase from Easter sitting alongside the silvers, golds, reds, greens, and oranges of Christmas, now do you?

Candles, Candles and More Candles

If you are searching for a cozy holiday look and feel for your apartment, then grouping candles on different surfaces is the way to get it. Placing candles in the middle of the coffee table or on the mantel above the fireplace can create a Christmas glow. Bonus points if the candles are in holiday scents. Make sure to follow all safety rules for having candles in your apartment however, and keep them away from pets and children.

Christmas Stockings and a Tree

Of course, Christmas isn’t Christmas without a tree, and it will look lovely by the window of your Santa Barbara apartment, looking out over the city’s lights. However, what if you don’t have a mantle to hang your stockings from? Never fear, you can hang them from a blank wall with adhesive that won’t ruin the wallpaper or paint when you take them down.

Bring in the Scents of the Season

Nothing says Christmas like cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and evergreen. While you can get those in the candles you have placed around your apartment, you can also get the scents of the holiday through was melts placed in warmers throughout your cozy home as well.

These tips are just a few things that you can do. Bring a little of the holiday cheer this time of year when you begin to decorate your apartment in Santa Barbara, California. To have a look at the apartments for rent at this time of year, contact the offices of The Marc for information.

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