Keeping an Accident-Related Journal and Financial Records for a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lacey WA

by | Aug 4, 2016 | Personal Injury

A Personal Injury Lawyer in Lacey WA may advise a client to keep a journal and update it regularly. The journal should include details of what the person remembers about the incident, physical and emotional effects since then, and relevant daily thoughts and problems. Even if someone hasn’t hired an attorney yet and is just considering the possibility, starting that journal can be beneficial in case the insurer ever wants clarification on certain points. The person will have the details in writing.

Although keeping the journal in a word processing software or an online documents program is likely to feel convenient, a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lacey WA may encourage the client to write things down on paper or, at a minimum, use an old-fashioned electric typewriter. The reason is because documents written in computer software programs are easy to change with the stroke of a “delete” key or an additional paragraph typed in.

The journal shouldn’t include any personal information the individual would feel uncomfortable having anyone else read. However, if the accident has had negative effects on intimacy, it’s important to mention the problem and perhaps talk about the emotional results. Other information is typically more straightforward and doesn’t have the potential to be embarrassing. For instance, if the individual goes back to work but occasionally has to take a sick day because of pain or weakness, that should always be noted in the writings. Describing the specific physical symptoms will also be helpful for the attorney when approaching the insurance company for a settlement.

Financial recordkeeping should be meticulous during this time. A law firm such as Putnam-Lieb-Potvin will want to know all expenses associated with the accident, which will likely include many that aren’t reflected in hospital and doctor records. That includes purchases of items such as over-the-counter pain relievers and sleep aids; many accident victims develop insomnia. Corresponding notes in the journal about disrupted sleep and chronic pain should be made. If the individual decides to seek psychological counseling, that expense should be included in the records too, along with comments about insights and progress. Visit us for more information on this particular organization.

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