Why Replacing a Cracked Windshield is Important

by | Jul 20, 2016 | Automotive

According to auto experts, a cracked or chipped windshield isn’t just an ugly blemish on an automobile, it may be a major safety issue.

Professionals note that driving with a damaged windshield will risk your life, as well as the lives of motorists around you because you’re more prone to get involved in an accident.

Driving with a windshield that is cracked

Most smaller chips are easily fixable by reputable auto glass experts. However, if the chip is large or it grows to the width or length of a credit card, it likely will have to be replaced.

It will likely go without saying; however, having the ability to see on the street as you drive is important. Cracks inside the windshield may obstruct and block your vision. For instance, a “cobweb crack” may impair a motorist’s vision enough that it is going to be difficult for them to see things like potholes. Having vision impaired upon a road may lead to car accidents.

Windshield replacement

Most chips and cracks may be fixed for under $100. However, if the chip becomes too big to fix, or if the initial crack was too wide or deep, you might require a qualified expert to replace your windshield.

Even though the process of windshield replacement oftentimes takes under one hour, you will want to locate an expert with the right expertise and tools to perform the job. A technician first should replace the rubberized weather stripping which holds the windshield to the car’s frame along the corners of the glass. Usually, after removing any outside trim and weather stripping, an adhesive coating is applied alongside the corners of the windshield frame, prior to lifting its glass into place.

For more information on why replacing a cracked windshield is important, contact website.

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