If your teen suffers from co-occurring disorders, that means he’s suffering from more than one disorder. For instance, someone who suffers from depression can also have an eating disorder, a substance abuse problem or both. This mostly happens because when people with a mental disorder turn to drugs to help them cope with their condition. Also known as a dual diagnosis, those who suffer from alcoholism can develop depression as well or those who have anorexia can also suffer from cocaine dependence.
Integrated Treatment
The most effective way to treat this condition is to find a co-occurring disordertreatment center in Los Angeles that provides integrated care. That means the treatment must address both issues. This can be difficult. Those who suffer from depression might find medication as a great help but it could trigger their substance addiction problems as well, especially in case of long-term use.
Other Ways to Cope
You can also improve your teen’s chances of getting better by ensuring he’s healthy. According to the American Addiction Centers, this can involve:
Sleeping patterns. If your teen isn’t getting enough sleep, that could be a major factor in his depression. Everyone knows how much better things seem to be after a good night’s sleep. It clears your mental cobwebs and gets your raring to have a go. Lack of proper sleep, though, can cause your teen to lose focus, be irritable and generally be in a less than happy mood.
Eating behaviors. Encourage your teen to eat healthy. Good nutrition improves a person’s disposition. That can help your teen deal with depression.
Exercise. Every time you exercise, you keep your body in tip-top shape. And often, when people look good, it makes them feel good as well. That same logic applies to your teen. By encouraging him to work out, you help him feel better about himself, which is a strong deterrent against depression.
Relationships. An excellent support network can provide invaluable help to your teen. Recovery can be hard and one thing that helps teens push through the difficulties is the thought of his loved ones. That’s where you and the rest of his family or friends come in. Making sure he knows you’re there for him can be the perfect thing to motivate him to overcome his disorders and lead him back to a fulfilling and productive life.
So keep these factors in mind when you deal with your teen. The more you understand your child, the more you can help that child achieve recovery at a much faster rate than most.
Adolescent Growth is a teen treatment center in Los Angeles. For a rehab center that truly puts your teens needs front and center, talk to us today.