If you decide to purchase a motorhome, be sure to look at the purchase as you would any other significant item. It is an investment. Make sure you take the necessary precautions to ensure it is a good one. Always look at motorhomes for sale with, if not jaundiced eyes, at least with a well-informed mind.
Sources of Motorhomes for Sale
Motorhomes can be sold through various outlets. The most common ones are:
- Private Sellers
- RV Shows
- Motorhome Dealerships
You may also find RVS for sale at auctions – both online and in person. Visit all but, unless you are a veteran at RVing or a knowledgeable mechanic, it may be best to opt for a dealership.
Choosing the Right Motorhome
If you intend to look at the available motorhomes for sale, be sure you take time to ask yourself the following questions:
- Purpose: How do you plan to use it?
- Time: What season and for how long do you plan to use it?
- Users: Is this your RV alone or do you plan to let others drive and use it?
- Locations: Where will you drive it to? What is the terrain, climate, etc.?
- Budget: How much can you afford to spend?
- New or Used: If you are a veteran, used is a solid option. If you are a novice, a new one may be the better choice.
Find the answers to these questions and you will find yourself prepared to head to your local RV dealership in Portland OR.