Drunk Driving Attorneys in Woodland Hills CA Regularly Succeed in Proving the Innocence of Clients

by | Nov 28, 2022 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Even while Woodland Hills CA is a relatively sparsely populated state, that is not to say that dangers related to the actions of others are never to be encountered. This can be seen easily on the state’s many roads and highways, where accidents of various kinds still take too many lives and cause an excess of unnecessary damage. While plenty of progress has been made, authorities strive to improve the situation further, typically focusing on the most pointed and persistent sources of danger. As a result, police and prosecutors alike strive to ensure that drivers whose abilities are impaired through the use of alcohol understand that they are not welcome. While a lot of valuable progress has been made thanks to that commitment, that zealousness can sometimes ensnare those who actually follow the law.

The fact is that even an accusation of this kind can prove to be extremely damaging, too. As a result, just about anyone who faces such charges will typically do well to get in touch with one of the drunk driving attorneys in Woodland Hills CA in order to make sure that everything possible will be done to resolve the issue in an acceptable way. Even just a quick phone call to someone like Karagozian & Rudolph, PC will often improve the chances that a particular person’s innocence will be established when all is said and done.

While some people assume that they are powerless once they find themselves in such a situation, that tends not to be the case. In fact, drunk driving attorneys in Woodland Hills CA have effective, proven ways of establishing their clients’ innocence, even when police and prosecutors claim to have airtight cases.

That could mean anything from pointing out inaccuracies or discrepancies in the testimony of a police officer to attacking the maintenance and calibration of a device used to measure the alcohol present in someone’s system. What matters the most is that lawyers regularly succeed in persuading prosecutors to drop charges or offering far more acceptable plea bargains, which can make a big difference for those accused. Given that a harsh attitude toward drunk driving can be expected to continue in the future, understanding this could easily prove to be valuable. For more details about the drunk driving attorney in Woodland Hills CA, contact Karagozian & Rudolph, PC.

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