X-Ray Tubes: What Are They, How Do They Work, and What Are They For?

by | Nov 16, 2021 | Electricians and Electrical

An X-ray tube is a device that produces a relatively small amount of radiation in the form of X-rays when energized with electricity. It is unique compared to other forms of ionizing radiation because it only produces an output when energized instead of doing so continuously.

How Do Scientific X-Ray Tubes Function?

Scientific X-ray tubes function by exciting and accelerating electrons to high velocities and colliding them with a target. The source generating the electrons is called a “cathode.” Manufacturers typically use heated filaments as X-ray tube cathodes. The target is usually a plate made of a thermostable substance like Tungsten and is known as the “anode.” It is also standard to enclose the anode in a vacuum within a glass envelope. The energized electrons strike the anode and release energy. Most of that energy escapes as heat, but a small percentage emits as radiation. That generates X-rays, which can penetrate objects of varying densities to produce X-ray images.

Who Uses X-Ray Tubes?

Typically, doctors, dentists, and others in the medical field need to operate and utilize X-ray tubes. X-rays allow health professionals to examine most parts of the human body. Of course, doctors can use X-rays to evaluate bone fractures or breaks. They are also essential in diagnosing problems in both hard and soft tissues, including:

  • Bone tumors
  • Scoliosis
  • Dental abscesses
  • Lung problems
  • Heart problems

Are you or your facility in need of high-quality X-ray tube equipment? Find precision engineered X-ray tubes and associated solutions from Micro X-ray, Inc.

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