A Guide to Wrongful Death Claims in the City of Carrollton GA

by | Dec 20, 2019 | Wrongful Death

The death of a family member is even more painful when it occurs because of someone else’s negligent actions. The legal sector refers to these cases as wrongful deaths, and a surviving family member may be eligible to receive compensation for their losses. From damage amounts to statutory limitations, these cases require the skill and knowledge of an experienced wrongful death attorney.

The Statute of Limitations

The Georgia law known as the statute of limitations determines how long you have to file a claim for Wrongful Death in Carrollton GA. Under the law, any individual or estate with a claim must file within two years of the person’s death. Under some circumstances, though, the time limit may be less or more. Once the time has passed, it’s impossible to pursue compensation.

Who Can Sue Under Georgia’s laws, a person must have the standing to file a claim. In the event of wrongful death, the following individuals may file a lawsuit.

  • Surviving spouses
  • Surviving children
  • Parents
  • Other representatives (if the victim had no family)

Your attorney will evaluate the circumstances of the Wrongful Death Carrollton GA and help your family attain the appropriate settlement.

Determining Damages

Wrongful death damages are based on the value of the victim’s life. In Georgia’s courts, the amount reflects what the victim lost. It’s hard to put a value on a person’s life, especially if they were unemployed or a stay-at-home parent, but the courts typically look at the victim’s earning potential and other factors.

Don’t Go Through the System Alone

If you’ve lost a relative because of someone else’s negligence, there’s help available. Visit the firm online at Website Domain or call today to request a no-obligation consultation with a compassionate local wrongful death attorney.

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