Does Your Jaw Hurt? You May Be Suffering from TMJ Disorder

by | Aug 9, 2018 | Health

There are plenty of reasons for jaw pain. A toothache is a possible reason, as is a heart attack. If you’re wondering why your jaw hurts, here are a few things to keep in mind.

TMJ disorders

Jaw pain can be caused by a problem in your temporomandibular joint. This is more commonly observed in women and can be the result of an injury to your jaw. Arthritis can also lead to TMJ disorder along with stress, the WebMD says.


Popping as well as grinding or tenderness in the jaw area is just one of the many symptoms of TMJ disorder. Jaw pain, the inability to open your mouth wide or close it tightly without feeling pain or discomfort and headaches are common symptoms as well. If you find it difficult or you feel a bit of discomfort every time you bite or chew, then those are possible symptoms that you may have problems with your temporomandibular joint.


If you experience any of these symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek out treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder in Tampa FL. Research local options first and look for a doctor with the right credentials and qualifications. Once you have a list of options, winnow them down to find the best of the bunch. Compare their backgrounds, length of experience and reputation.

Tips and advice

Finding the right care and treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder in Tampa FL will impact your recovery. That’s why it’s critical to look for a doctor or dentist who understands musculoskeletal disorders and who is trained in providing pain relief as well as managing pain conditions.

Get help

Don’t wait around until your condition worsens. Prevent pain and discomfort from diminishing your quality of life by getting help today. Get your TMJ treated with the right doctor.

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