Environmental Benefits of High-Speed Dryers

by | Nov 14, 2017 | Construction and Maintenance

For schools, businesses and other public buildings, sustainability may be as much a priority as cost savings when it comes to restrooms. From a life-cycle cost perspective, bathroom hand dryers are an effective way to save on the washroom management budget. Luckily, many of the high-speed hand dryers developed in the last decade have also become the most sustainable solution for drying hands in public restrooms.


To be considered energy-efficient, dryers must offer three to four times the savings of standard hand dryers. High-speed motors are powerful and can move air at faster speeds than traditional dryers. New dryers measure airspeed in terms of linear feet per minute. Some models can reach up to 16,000 LFM.

Hot Air Use

High-speed bathroom hand dryers may release heat up to 135 degrees, reducing dry-time from 45 seconds down to 10 to 15 seconds. These dryers break down water molecules on the skin, decreasing evaporation time. Rubbing hands together, as is recommended for legacy technology, is no longer needed. In fact, this could slow dry times.

Motion Sensitive

The nearly all electric hand dryers manufactured today offer touchless activation. Infrared sensors activate the unit with a hand motion, making them more hygienic than previous options. The addition of HEPA filters can eliminate virtually all the bacteria from the air before it’s blown onto the hands.

Attention to Detail

The environmental conditions of a business can affect which features and benefits are priorities. Schools may focus on initial expense and long-term washroom management costs. Retail and restaurant chains may need units that are durable and resistant to vandalism. Each manufacturer has proprietary techniques for balancing energy use with motor speed. The way heat is incorporated can affect the timing and success of the drying experience.

Design elements, from the way air, is disbursed from the unit to the cover materials, can be selected to fit the intended application. Regardless of the details, high-speed bathroom hand dryers can help improve hygiene levels and reduce the carbon footprint of the drying process.

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