3 Simple Service and Maintenance Tips for Your New Chevy Truck

by | Jan 21, 2020 | Automotive

If you’ve recently gone to a Chevy truck dealer in Chicago, there are things you should start practicing right away to ensure your vehicle lasts as long as possible. In that case, here are a few of the best service and maintenance tips you should follow:

1. Practice Proper Maintenance on Time to Preserve Warranty

Your brand new car from your Chevy truck dealer in Chicago should be protected by some sort of manufacturer’s warranty. However, you should note that the manufacturer has the right to deny warranty coverage if you have failed to get your vehicle serviced at the recommended factory. Chevrolet is going to then maintain your vehicle and keep copies of all records.

2. Know Where to Take the Car After an Accident

If you have had an accident, it’s best that you get your car towed to a nearby center. Check ahead of time to see if an appointment is required to get that taken care of or to get an estimate.

3. Get Your Oil and Tires Changed Regularly

There are lots of things in your car that need to be checked and changed on a regular basis to avoid destruction. Tires and oil are two of the most common ones. You should always be doing what you can to keep an eye out for signs that your car is in need of new oil or new tires. Otherwise, it will creep up on you when you least expect it.

Looking for your next Chevy Truck? Visit Hawk Chevrolet Bridgeview to get started with finding your dream car.

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