3 Dental Hygiene Habits to Teach Your Children in Chicago, IL

by | Oct 13, 2022 | Dental Clinic

Building good dental hygiene habits is the key to keeping your teeth and gums healthy, and it all starts in childhood. Your child’s favorite snacks are likely sugary, gummy, or acidic, which can wreak havoc on their teeth. To make sure they will enjoy their permanent teeth for many years, Chicago family dentist recommend establishing these three habits as soon as they can hold a toothbrush.

Dental Hygiene Habits to Teach Your Children

1. Brushing Twice a Day for Two Minutes

At a minimum, you should brush twice a day for two minutes each time, which is the time it takes to thoroughly clean your mouth and drive off decay-inducing bacteria. To turn brushing into a habit, make it an integral part of your child’s morning and bedtime routines. A timer or a special song can help your child keep track of how long they’ve been brushing.

2. Brushing Your Tongue

While your tongue doesn’t develop cavities like your teeth, it can still harbor bacteria in the natural folds and crevices between the taste buds. Encourage your child to remember to brush their tongue every time they brush their teeth, and always supervise their brushing until the habit is established.

3. Flossing

Chicago family dentists recommend flossing every day. Demonstrate the importance of this activity by having your child “practice” flossing the space between your fingers. If you establish this habit when they’re young, your child is more likely to commit to flossing every day than if they were to start as adults.

Dentists Are Your Friends

Finally, get your child accustomed to regular visits to your Chicago family dentist. If your child is ready for their annual dental checkup, contact Windy City Family Dental.

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